Self Employed Mortgages

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Self-Employed Mortgages 

Are you self-employed and dreaming of owning a home in the United Kingdom? Securing a mortgage can be a daunting task when you don’t fit the traditional 9-to-5 mold. But fear not, because The Mortgage Store is here to guide you through the intricacies of self-employed mortgages and make your homeownership dreams a reality.

Understanding Self-Employed Mortgages

Self-employed individuals often face unique challenges when applying for a mortgage. Traditional lenders may raise eyebrows at irregular income patterns or the absence of a steady paycheck. However, self-employed people contribute significantly to the UK’s economy, and their financial profiles are diverse. So, why should they be denied the opportunity to own a home?

Self-employed mortgages, also known as “entrepreneur mortgages” or “business owner mortgages,” cater specifically to individuals who work for themselves. These mortgages take into account the complexities of self-employment, such as fluctuating incomes, business expenses, and tax arrangements.

Why Choose The Mortgage Store?

At The Mortgage Store, we specialize in helping self-employed individuals secure mortgages tailored to their unique financial situations. Here’s why you should choose us as your mortgage broker:

  1. Expertise: Our team of experienced mortgage advisors understands the intricacies of self-employed mortgages in the UK. We stay up-to-date with the latest industry trends, ensuring you receive expert advice.

  2. Tailored Solutions: We don’t believe in one-size-fits-all approaches. Our experts will work closely with you to understand your specific financial circumstances and customize a mortgage solution that suits your needs.

  3. Wide Network: The Mortgage Store has built strong relationships with a wide network of lenders, including those who specialize in self-employed mortgages. This means we can connect you with the lenders most likely to approve your application.

  4. Save Time and Effort: Applying for a mortgage can be time-consuming and stressful. We handle all the paperwork, negotiations, and communication with lenders, saving you precious time and effort.

  5. Maximize Affordability: We are committed to finding you the most competitive mortgage rates and terms available, ensuring you can comfortably afford your dream home.

  6. Advice Beyond Mortgages: Our services extend beyond just mortgages. We offer comprehensive financial guidance to help you make informed decisions about your home purchase.

How to Secure a Self-Employed Mortgage with The Mortgage Store

Getting started with The Mortgage Store is easy. Here’s a simple three-step process:

  1. Consultation: Reach out to us for a free consultation. We’ll discuss your financial situation and homeownership goals.

  2. Customized Solutions: Based on our consultation, we’ll tailor a mortgage solution that aligns with your needs and preferences.

  3. Application and Approval: We’ll guide you through the application process and work diligently to secure approval from the most suitable lender.


At The Mortgage Store, we believe that homeownership should be accessible to everyone, including self-employed individuals. Our expertise, dedication, and extensive network of lenders make us the ideal partner on your journey to securing a self-employed mortgage in the UK.

Don’t let the complexities of self-employment hold you back from owning your dream home. Contact The Mortgage Store today and let us help you turn your homeownership dreams into reality.